Please enter your detailed information and association with the company
to request a new account to be created for you. An administrator will contact you shortly.
To use LibrarySMS you need to have an account with our service. To open a new
account please click here. It
is free to open and try the service.
Once you have an account, you need to decide if you will use a dedicated number or a shared short code. Based on your requirements, we can setup your account so that you can test. You can also reach us at
(604) 687-7433 for more information
LibrarySMS is provided as a service - there are no downloads or
other technical requirements on your part. Your patrons interact with the
service using their phones and text messages. Your library will be issued a
number to which your patrons can send text messages with their requests. Your
staff interacts with the service using online interface provided with your
account or using any email client. There are several typical use scenarios:
Library reference service - a patron sends a question to your library
using her cell phone. Our service accepts the message and makes it available
to one or more of your staff through an on-line account and as email. Your
staff can then perform requested action and answer the question. The
question is sent to the requester's mobile phone
Group management - you can create special mobile groups and allow
patrons to become members by signing up from their mobile phones. You can
send group alerts to all current subscribers
Reminders - You can send reminders and late notices to your patrons
LibrarySMS assigns a number and one or more keywords for your use. For
example, if you are using shared short code, your number will be 77777 and
keywords may be LIB1 or LIBRARY1. You can select your keywords as per your
requirements. You then promote the use of the service through banners, web site
and other means and invite your patrons to" "Text LIB1 Your question to
77777 to make library refernce request". When such message is sent from a
cell phone, LibrarySMS will accept it and direct to your account. It can also
forward this message to one or more email addresses. The message arrives to your
email where you can read it, complete the request and send the answer back, just
like you are sending a normal email message. LibrarySMS converts this email into
SMS and sends it to the cell phone.
Short code we use is 77777. It is a 5-digit number to which people can send text messages. At the start of the text message, they must indicate a keyword followed by a space (for example LIB1 Where was Terry Fox born?). When we receive a text message such as this, our service will direct it to the account of the library which registered keyword LIB1.
Long code, also called VirtualSMS, is a 10-digit number. It can be shared - in which case, it works exactly as the short code described above - inbound messages must start with your keyword in order for the message to arrive to your account. Long code can also be dedicated. In that case, a number is assigned to your account (it is not shared) and any message that arrives to it is directed to your Inbox (and email).
Standard carrier charges apply. This means that when sending a message, a user of the service will be charged standard messaging fee as outlined in his/her cellular contract with his/her telephone company.